Homeschooling a Child with Down Syndrome: My Favorite Resources for Parents

Last fall Junior started kindergarten, so I’ve been doing a lot of reading about how best to teach a child with Down Syndrome. There isn’t a whole lot of information and advice available on how to homeschool children with Down Syndrome (compared to the overwhelming plethora of blogs, books, videos, and conferences on homeschooling in general). However, there are some very helpful educational resources for parents of children with Down Syndrome. Today I’m sharing my favorite ones:

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A Little Pro-Life Story

I wanted to go to the March for Life on Friday. I really did. My husband and my older kids went to D.C. ,  and marched amongst probably hundreds of thousands of youth, rallying for the dignity of the unborn child.  I’m missing the exhiliration and excitement of the March, the feeling of being a part of a tremendous movement that will one day put an end to history’s greatest atrocity, the legalization of abortion.

But sweet little Junior has had a rough past few weeks, as babies often do during the winter. Instead of Marching in the nation’s capital, I stayed at home playing peekaboo.

However, I thought I’d share this little pro-life story:

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Super Special Fathers

They come to church on Sunday mornings, a father and his son. Although we try not to stare, we can’t help but notice because there is something so beautifully edifying about this pair. The father, large and strong, carries his son, thin and frail, into the church. He places him on the pew and gently props the limp boy, whose arms and legs dangle uselessly, against his own muscular build. The boy is about twelve. We don’t know their names or their story. We don’t know the medical condition that renders the boy so helpless. Yet my husband and I both agree that no music is as moving and no homily as uplifting as the sight of this father and the love he bears for his son.

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